“How to Come of Age," “Facebook Suggests I Might Know a Man," and 	“Regarding the Conversation When We Compared Regrets.” Kansas Speaks Out. An Actual Kansas Press, 2022.

“How to Come of Age," “Facebook Suggests I Might Know a Man," and “Regarding the Conversation When We Compared Regrets.” Kansas Speaks Out. An Actual Kansas Press, 2022.

“Early Menopause,” “My Seven Year-Old Son Becomes a Christian,” “Reciprocal IVF or How to Explain the Similarities Between Ecstasy and Loss,” “IVF Egg Retrieval,” “How to Explain Infertility When an Acquaintance Asks Casually:,” and “The Wordless: The Unspoken and Unnamed.” Unspoken: Writers on Infertility, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth. Life in 10 Minutes Press, 2020.

“Early Menopause,” “My Seven Year-Old Son Becomes a Christian,” “Reciprocal IVF or How to Explain the Similarities Between Ecstasy and Loss,” “IVF Egg Retrieval,” “How to Explain Infertility When an Acquaintance Asks Casually:,” and “The Wordless: The Unspoken and Unnamed.” Unspoken: Writers on Infertility, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth. Life in 10 Minutes Press, 2020.

“Daughter, What I’ve Learned,” “My Daughter Returns From Her Other Mother’s House with Braids in Her Hair” and “Femme Poem #1.”  Hastag Queer: LGBTQ+ Creative Anthology, Volume 2, Qommunicate Publishing, 2018.

“Daughter, What I’ve Learned,” “My Daughter Returns From Her Other Mother’s House with Braids in Her Hair” and “Femme Poem #1.”  Hastag Queer: LGBTQ+ Creative Anthology, Volume 2, Qommunicate Publishing, 2018.

“Season 11, Episode 7: ‘Return From Paradise’” and “Femme Poem #2.” Recasting Masculinity. Beautiful Cadaver Project, 2020.

"Kansas."  To the Stars Through Difficulties: A Kansas Renga In 150 Voices. Mammoth Publications, 2012.

"Kansas."  To the Stars Through Difficulties: A Kansas Renga In 150 Voices. Mammoth Publications, 2012.

“Cow Creek.” Poem on the Range: A Poet Laureate’s Love Song to Kansas.  Coal City Press, 2014. 

“Cow Creek.” Poem on the Range: A Poet Laureate’s Love Song to Kansas.  Coal City Press, 2014. 

“My Daughter Returns From Her Other Mother’s House with Braids in Her Hair.” The Long Devotion: Poets Writing Motherhood. University of Georgia Press, 2022.

"The Leaver." Begin Again: 150 Kansas Poems. Woodley Press, 2011.

"The Leaver." Begin Again: 150 Kansas Poems. Woodley Press, 2011.